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Tess Ackland

How To Make the Most of 2024

I am so happy we connected in 2023, and in this year, I hope we can continue to get to know each other better.  In my first communication of 2024, I want to wish you, your family and friends health, happiness and prosperity.  I also want to share, in this article, energetic guidance on how to make the most of 2024!

Tips from Tess Ackland with classical Feng Shui and 9 Star Ki to make the most of 2024
Some easy ways to optimize your energy and make the most of 2024.

Now is the perfect time to reflect on last year.  You can do this by practicing gratitude for all the abundance received in 2023 as well as the opportunities brought your way to help you evolve.  Journal your thoughts, mediate or contemplate while walking in the woods.  Take all of the information you gather to move forward and identify goals and values you wish to live by in 2024.  You can write these out as a list – of 8 to 10 points preferably, or go more visual and create a vision board.  This doesn’t have to be done overnight either.  Take a week or the month of January if needed.  Don’t rush, relish in the process; this exercise offers an empowering experience.  Whatever format you do choose, make sure to place your final product in a location that you pass by at least once a day, and take time to really see and internalize what you’ve produced each and every day.  It is important that you remind yourself of your aspirations and principles, so that you live with intention this year. 


The first of January marks the start of the new year according to the Gregorian calendar, but in Feng Shui, we follow the Chinese calendar and this sees the new year begin in early February.  This year is particularly exciting as we are starting a brand-new cycle!  With classical Feng Shui, time circles in nine 20-year periods, resulting in a full cycle taking 180 years to complete.  Within each 20-year cycle there is a changeover in which energies overlap as one period ends and another begins.  We are in this changeover, now seeing the end of Period 8 (2004 – 2024) and the start of Period 9 (2024-2044).   You may have already started to feel a different flow and the pull of the 9 energy as it can start influencing before the actual transition date in early February.  


So, what exactly is Period 9?  It is associated with the Fire element, connected with the southerly direction, fiery colours like red and orange, dynamic shapes like triangles or stars and it is the most emotional of all the elements; fire governs the heart.  This element is about passion, relationships and laughter.  On a human level, it may not be surprising to know that the fire energy helps to connect people, drives desire for change and underpins the essence of love for oneself and among humankind.  To benefit the most from the energy that fire brings, you can start 2024 by further cultivating your tribe and dedicating your time to those genuine friendships that make you feel truly special and accepted.  You may also choose to pivot and walk away from relationships that feel inauthentic! 


As I’ve said, fire is about passion, so surround yourself with initiatives and people that fuel and excite you…and release those that do not.  It is important to acknowledge that in addition to receiving or seeking the fire energy from external stimuli, you need to also look within.  Love yourself and empower your inner glow so you can radiate and share your positivity and brilliance with those around you.  The fire energy is about creating your inner power, accepting who you are and knowing that you are enough.  When you do this, you may soon find that those around you start radiating the same gentle glow back to you, bringing your relationships to a whole other level.

With every element there are challenges to be aware of.  Fire is energetic, and can poses a chaotic or destructive force that can quickly become uncontrollable if not nurtured or managed in the right way.  Be intentional and thoughtful in your actions, resting them in love and kindness within yourself and for humankind.  The opposite action can profess suffering, loss or disappointment.  This is the regrettable action of a fast fire that retaliates and rages out of control.  In the element of fire, you want to radiate like that of a candle’s flicker.  A candle has a slow, compelling flame that draws people together for warmth, conversation and security.  It is not surprising that the discovery of fire facilitated our evolution, allowing us to live longer (better nutrition), form deeper relationships (sitting around the campfire) and establish greater security (warding of predators).  Take time to build and refine a community that you can laugh with and feel safe within for comradery and self-exploration.  


As we start 2024 there is no better time than now to light your candle, stand within its glow and share in its warmth with those around you.  You can do this – will all can!  If you are feeling stuck or don’t know where to start, I would love to offer you guidance.  We can do this through understanding your personal energy flow for 2024 and how that interacts with Period 9 or complete your personal 9 Star Ki reading.  We can also tap into Feng Shui, to create a home that supports you in your journey.  If we have completed Feng Shui in your home or business during 2023, please note that with a new year comes new energies and some adjustments may be needed.  This doesn’t require a lot of investment.  With two hours we can determine the new energy configuration within your space and make some tweaks to harness the beneficial energies coming your way.  I will also provide you with cures to stave off any negative energy. 


If you are interested in any or have questions, please contact me for a free chat!  I’d love to connect and get to know you better.


With love,


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